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eProMIS: let’s remove the glitches

March 13, 2014

Most of those seeking support from the DBT would be very familiar with our online proposal submission system eProMIS. Unfortunately, in the past this familiarity was for the wrong reasons.


Through eProMIS, we hope to make it convenient for you to not only submit your proposals but also to track their progress.

We hope to make postal delays and hard copy submission things of the past and save time and money many of you have regularly spent in travelling to DBT to submit utilisation and financial documents.

Besides, with the facility for online peer-review, the system will also bring greater completeness in the process of awarding grants.

In addition to this, all associated activities such as scheduling of task force meetings and generation of sanction orders will be done online. Users will be alerted through e-mails, documents like progress reports and utilisation certificates can be uploaded and the status of the grant can be tracked from any place.

The online system will help track performance of projects and give an estimation of what we support and what will be better areas of investment for the department in the long run.

There have been several problems with eProMIS in the past year, which we have worked hard to rectify. We have launched the revamped system and improved it substantially. However, there is still scope of improvement and we expect to achieve that with your help and input.

All such systems will go through a teething phase and your feedback is vital to take out the bugs in the system.

Some of our colleagues have given us preliminary feedback about the problems in the system. On the basis of this, we have designed a questionnaire which we request you to fill. It will just take about five minutes of your precious time. We look forward to your help in making eProMIS a more robust system.

eProMIS brings submission of proposals to DBT and their tracking to your fingertips. Please click on the questionnaire below and respond to the questions to further improve the processes.

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One Comment
  1. R. Nandini Devi permalink

    I am not sure whether online submission has done any improvement. I had submitted my first proposal to DBT in January 2014. I am yet to hear anything from DBT after the acknowledgement. So, I am assuming that online submission works, maybe online peer-review is the bottleneck. It is not good to wait for 1 year for getting a reply from a funding agency. The novelty of the proposal, enthusiasm etc. will wane off in such a long period.
    So, in my view nothing has changed in India!!

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